Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Amazing Grace
My Chains are gone I've been set free
My God my savior Has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending Love, Amazing Grace
*I will be posting stuff on Friday to help any aged heart prepare for the Lord's Supper
Children, 9am Sunday will be great
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
here ya go
Imperishable! Unfading!
Monday, February 26, 2007
The Holy Spirit and the Glory of Jesus Christ
over our shoulder on to Jesus who stands facing us. The Spirit’s message to us
is never, “Look at me; listen to me; come to me; get to know me,” but always,
“Look at him, and see his glory; listen to him and hear his word; go to him and
have life; get to know him and taste his gift of joy and peace.” The Spirit, we
might say, is the matchmaker, the celestial marriage broker, whose role it is to
bring us and Christ together and ensure that we stay together.
GOD, 2nd Revised and Enlarged Edition. Grand Rapids: BakerBooks, 2005, p. 57.
ISBN 08010-6558-5.
The Coffin of Jesus?
1.) Good to be reminded that every Christ follower should be able to give some loving & intelligent response to every new "discreditor" of Christianity. And helpful to reply with, "I can't make the leap of faith required to trust (in this case) James Cameron."
2.) A life transformed by the power of the gospel of the risen Christ is THE ULTIMATE apologetic... actually, John 17 makes me say that lives transformed living in community in the church are the ultimate apologetic.
3.) Don't get sidetracked. I'm actually old enough now to know that this is -- like the 15th or 30th -- thing like this to come along in 20 years of following Christ. Don't "waste" much time on trying to defeat it.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The Looks, by John Newton
In agony and blood
Who fixed His loving eyes on me
As near His cross I stood
And never till my dying breath
Will I forget that look
It seemed to charge me with His death
Though not a word He spoke
My conscience felt and owned the guilt
And plunged me in despair
I saw my sins His blood had spilt
And helped to nail Him there
But with a second look He said
“I freely all forgive this blood is for your ransom paidI died that you might live”
Thus while His death my sin displays
For all the world to view
Such is the mystery of grace
It seals my pardon too
With pleasing grief and mournful joy
My spirit now is filled
That I should such a life destroy
Yet live by Him I killed.
Friday, February 23, 2007
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in Christ, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
A Father Writes to His Unborn Child
excerpt: "I read today that you can now open and close your fists, like miniature hearts budding on your arms. You will certainly hear things that will make you close those fists, make you want to strike out, but do not confuse your enemies. As with your heart, keep your hands open, your ears, and you will hear this: what angers you is not, finally, your neighbor, but the very thing that angers that neighbor, that the world is deformed, infected with shame.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Why are relationships scary? by Paul Tripp
2. We all tend to enter our relationships with unrealistic expectations.
3. We all tend to seek to get identity from our relationships.
4. We tend to be disappointed in our relationships because they were more about the purposes of our little kingdoms of self than they were about the kingdom of God.
--excerpt from longer article here
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Announcing Our Worship Intern
Chris Hiatt has recently been asked by the elders to do a 5 month internship as our Worship Leader. Here's a brief bio:
Station in life: graduating from UF College of Journalism & Communication in May with a degree in Public Relations
Born: Dallas, Texas
Has lived in: Texas, SoCal, and Hilton Head, S. Carolina
Hobbies: Music, riding his motorcycle, writing
"I'm excited about what God is doing in the life of Christ Community and look forward to seeing all facets of the music program grow."
What a Promise!
Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said... "Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."
Now he (Jesus) said this about The Spirit. --Jesus, recorded in John 7
what a great day sunday
Friday, February 16, 2007
Morrow Omli is helping with this...
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Is Jesus Your Valentine?
--Richard Phillips, in this brief article which is quite good on history of the day and how we can use it to grow in Christ
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
What is Journey of Faith???
<> Reflect on the generosity of God
<> Wrestle with our response to His grace
<> Raise funds for our building project
Mailings with more info are in the mail. (This post, like me, needs editing... and i will later)
Do you know less than 10 folks at Christ Community?
Would you like to hang out in a casual environment with some leaders from the church?
Then plan to come to a dessert at my (Rob) home, Friday February 23.
Give a call to 379-4949 (or email lizette@christcommunitychurchDOTcom) to let us know you'll be here... you know, so there's plenty of cake.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Ephesians and Family Life
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6
Family Mission Trip to Chattanooga
Monday, February 05, 2007
2 marriage sermons
one by Steve Lammers on Bible & wives
one by Rob Pendley on Bible & husbands
The Truth About Married Sex
Excerpt: Much of good sex is just . . . well, normal, everyday. Think about it. Most people in the history of the world have lived in one-room huts, where the kids sleep in the same room with their parents! Countless families have lived in flats, with only curtains for room dividers, your mother-in-law in the far corner, your wife's younger brother sleeping on the couch. Or they've lived in tents, as nomads. Not much sound-proofing or major privacy operative in that housing arrangement! Not much in the way of gymnastics or sound effects is possible unless you have no children. That's not to say that a married couple with children shouldn't get away for a weekend, or close the door, or do things to make sex special. --David Powlison
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Marriage Resources
1. Class Frank Matthews is teaching RIGHT NOW at 9am on Sundays
Tim & Kathy Keller’s Lecture on "Cultivating a Healthy Marriage, followed by Q&A, best $5 you'll spend this year!
When Marriage Brings Suffering
Gushee article
Friday, February 02, 2007
Sunday 9am (great!) classes; 10am Communion service
In taking the sinner's place on the cross, Jesus became as totally accountable for sin as if he was totally responsible for it. |
~John Blanchard |
Who delivered up Jesus to die? Not Judas, for money; not Pilate, for fear; not the Jews, for envy; but the Father, for love! |
~Octavius Winslow |
Blog Archive
- Amazing Grace
- Children, 9am Sunday will be great
- here ya go
- Imperishable! Unfading!
- Important Children's Time 9am Sunday
- The Holy Spirit and the Glory of Jesus Christ
- The Coffin of Jesus?
- The Looks, by John Newton
- Christ!
- A Father Writes to His Unborn Child
- Why are relationships scary? by Paul Tripp
- Announcing Our Worship Intern
- What a Promise!
- what a great day sunday
- You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ...
- Morrow Omli is helping with this...
- Is Jesus Your Valentine?
- What is Journey of Faith???
- Invitation
- Ephesians and Family Life
- spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6
- Family Mission Trip to Chattanooga
- Wow
- 2 marriage sermons posted
- 2 marriage sermons
- The Truth About Married Sex
- Stott paragraph on Christian view of Authority & S...
- Lewis ZOE quotes
- Marriage Resources
- Sunday 9am (great!) classes; 10am Communion service