Sunday, September 30, 2007
Next Step this weekend
Next Step (the class formerly known as Intro to CCC)... if you have questions, or plan to come please call 379-4949 .... if you need help w/ childcare, please ask!
Big Shout Out of Thanks
Thursday, September 27, 2007
God loves you AS YOU SIN
God’s love is like Himself- it is equal and constant. And even the things which appear to show that God has changed His mind about us proceed from His love for us. We are so different- our love changes, yet God’s love is always the same.
“Objection. But you will say, ‘This comes nigh to that blasphemy, that God loves his people in their sinning as well as in their strictest obedience; and, if so, who will care to serve Him more, or to walk with Him unto well-pleasing?’
Answer. There are few truths of Christ, which, from some or other, have not received like entertainment with this. Terms and appellations are at the will of every imposer; things are not at all varied by them. The love of God in itself is the eternal purpose and act of His will. This is no more changeable than God Himself: if it were, no flesh could be saved; but it changeth not, and we are not consumed. What then? Loves He His people in their sinning? Yes; His people-not their sinning. Alters He not His love towards them? Not the purpose of His will, but the dispensations of His grace. He rebukes them, He chastens them, He hides His face from them, He smites them, He fills them with a sense of His indignation; but woe, woe would it be to us, should He change in His love, or take away His kindness from us! Those very things which seem to be demonstrations of the change of His affections towards His, do as clearly proceed from love as those which seem to be the most genuine issues thereof. ‘But will not this encourage sin?’ He never tasted of the love of God that can seriously make this objection.” -- John Owen (Not sure if regular font is Owen... but i saw the italicized stuff at google books, straight from John Owen's COMMUNION WITH GOD.... get the forthcoming reprint edited by Kelly Capic & Justin Taylor)Sin & Sickness AND Forgiveness & Healing
connection that Jews steeped in the Torah and the prophets would have made, we might miss something very important about our Lord words and actions. Throughout the Old Testament, sin and sickness are frequently connected, as is forgiveness and healing.
much more on this connection here--Kim Riddlebarger wrote this one and the 2 below as well
Not Everybody Likes Jesus
only attracting the poor and suffering throughout the whole region, but Jesus is becoming the subject of intense controversy and conflict with the Pharisees and scribes in the area, who had come to see Jesus not as Israel’s Messiah, sent by God, but as a threat to their own power and prestige. In fact, the next five incidents recorded by Mark (which takes us from Mark 2:1-3:6) indicate that Jesus and his disciples were being constantly challenged directly or indirectly by the Jewish religious authorities.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
to fulfill all righteousness. Having triumphed over Satan, Jesus then appeared in Capernaum, a small backwater fishing village on the Sea of Galilee. It was here, of all places, that Jesus began preaching the good news of the kingdom of God, casting out demons, calling disciples and healing the sick, including a man with leprosy, the most feared and horrible disease of that age. While Jesus instructed this man to be quiet about his healing and to report to the priest so that he could be declared ceremonially clean and regain his life, instead this very excited man went out and began to spread the news everywhere about what Jesus had done. The buzz about Jesus was spreading throughout the whole area and as we learn at the end of Mark 1, “Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places. Yet the people still came to him from everywhere.”
Hymns can help you pray
Almighty to rescue Thou art;
Thy grace is my shield and my tower:
Come, succor* and gladden my heart;
Let this be the day of Thy power!
--from a hymn by Augustus Toplady *means "help" or "relieve"
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Consider This
a recurring appointment... 1st sunday of each month
8:30--8:55am Kingdom Prayer Meeting
10:15am Lord's Supper/Eucharist/Communion Service of Worship
Monday, September 24, 2007
good quote
Next Step Class
Next Step Class (formerly known as Intro to Christ Community)
While coming to the class doesn't obligate you to membership... the class is a pre-req for membership. Make sense?
Which "Respectable" Sins Do you Tolerate?
anxieties and frustrations;
pridefulness and pride revealed specifically in self-righteousness,
even in a pursuit of theological accuracy,
in seeking pride in achievements and in independence;
selfishness with our interests, time, money and inconsiderableness;
lack of self-control in eating, drinking and temperament, finances, entertainment and shopping;
impatience and irritability;
anger, even anger towards God, and the underlying roots of anger in resentment, bitterness, enmity, hostility and holding grudges;
judgmentalism and critical spirit over differing convictions and doctrinal disagreements;
envy, jealousy, competitiveness and being controlling;
the sins of the tongue like gossip, slander, lying, harsh words, sarcasm, insults and ridicule; worldliness shown financially and in idols and in “vicarious immorality,” that is,
the enjoyment of watching or reading the sinfulness of others.
Here is extended review of the book... and i deeply appreciated the reviewer's comment:
"Only one who has proven himself faithful to the Cross like Bridges is suited to lead us deep into the caves and caverns where sin lives in our hearts."
Totally, Like... Whatever!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
They Passed!!!!
So, mark October 21 on your calendar for a great day that will include:
1.) The official forming of CCC as a self-governing church
2.) The ordination of Mike Marshall & Charlie Staples to the office of elder
3.) The installation of Mike, Charlie, Larry Eubanks, Rob Pendley and Frank Matthews as the session of Christ Community Church
Great things are happening in our midst. The room continues to be full each week with more visitors than perhaps ever before. Last Sunday we had 53 children in attendance, our highest number ever, I think. Momentum with Journey of Faith and the hopes for our own facility soon... more and more....
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Jesus picked up the "Fishers of Men" theme from the Old Testament
beings. This was not merely a cute metaphor which fit the setting. If you look at
Jeremiah 16:16: Ezekiel 29:4f; 38:4; Amos ·4:2; Habakkuk 1:14-17, you will see
there is a wealth of Old Testament material which serves as the background for
Jesus' use of the phrase "fishers of men".
In the Old Testament God was the fisherman and the image stressed divine
judgment (i.e. if you don't repent you are likely to get a hook in your mouth). By taking up this metaphor Jesus stressed his message of the nearness of the Kingdom and the necessity of responding in radical repentance. The cost of following Jesus involves the willingness to take that message of judgment upon our lips. --from the Mark Study Guide produced by Redeemer Church NYC
Friday, September 21, 2007
Gospel Humiliation, by Tim Keller
I know this heading [“Gospel Humiliation”] sounds pretty strong, but I want to get your attention. In Jonah 3:1–2 we read, “Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, saying, ‘Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it the message that I tell you.’” In Sinclair Ferguson’s little book on Jonah [Man Overboard] he comments on the broken, humbled prophet who hears the second call to Nineveh and answers it. He says:
God intends to bring life out of death. We may well think of this as the principle behind all evangelism. Indeed we may even call it the Jonah principle, as Jesus seems to have done. . . . [I]t is out of Christ’s weakness that the sufficiency of his saving power will be born. . . . [So] fruitful evangelism is a result of this death-producing principle. It is when we come to share spiritually—and on occasions physically—in Christ’s death (cf. Phil. 3:10) that his power is demonstrated in our weakness and others are drawn to him. This is exactly what was happening to Jonah.
What does this mean? A man recently shared with me how he was trying to talk about his faith with his neighbors, to little avail. But then some major difficulties came into his life, and he began to let his neighbors know how Christ was helping him face them. They were quite interested and moved by this. It was the Jonah principle! As we experience weakness, as we are brought low, Christ’s power is more evident in us.
Lloyd-Jones once gave a sermon on Jacob’s wrestling with God. In the talk he told a story of a time when he was living in Wales. He was in a gathering of older ministers who were discussing a young minister with remarkable preaching gifts. This man was being acclaimed, and there was real hope that God could use him to renew and revive his church. The ministers were hopeful. But then one of them said to the others: “Well, all well and good, but you know, I don’t think he’s been humbled yet.” And the other ministers looked very grave. And it hit Lloyd-Jones hard (and it hit me hard) that unless something comes into your life that breaks you of your self-righteousness and pride, you may say you believe the gospel of grace but, as we said above, the penny hasn’t dropped. You aren’t a sign of the gospel yourself. You don’t have the Jonah principle working in you. You aren’t a strength-out-of-weakness person. God will have to bring you low if he is going to use you in evangelism.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
What a Story
I believe in one God,
the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth,
and of all things visible and invisible;
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the only-begotten Son of God,
begotten of his Father before all worlds;
God of God, Light of Light,
very God of very God,
begotten, not made,
being of one substance with the Father,
by whom all things were made.
Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven,
and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary, and was made man;
and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate;
He suffered and was buried;
and the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures;
and ascended into heaven,
and sitteth on the right hand of the Father;
and He shall come again, with glory,
to judge the quick and the dead;
whose kingdom shall have no end.
And I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord and Giver of Life;
who proceedeth from the Father and the Son;
who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified;
who spake by the prophets.
I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins;
and I look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen.
*catholic, meaning universal... not a reference to the Roman Catholic Church ("...not that there's anything wrong with it..")
1. | broad or wide-ranging in tastes, interests, or the like; having sympathies with all; broad-minded; liberal. |
2. | universal in extent; involving all; of interest to all. |
3. | pertaining to the whole Christian body or church. |
Loving the ACTUAL people we are in church with
Not long ago there was a great disaster at sea. A tourist boat, loaded with cars and holidaymakers, had failed to shut its doors properly; the water began to pour in; the boat began to sink, and panic set in. People were screaming as the happy, relaxed atmosphere of the ship turned in minutes into something worse than a horror movie.
All at once one man- not a member of the crew- took charge. In a clear voice he gave orders, telling people what to do. Relief mixed with the panic as people realized someone at least was in charge, and many managed to reach lifeboats they would otherwise have missed in the dark and the rush. The man himself made his way down to the people trapped in the hold. There he formed a human bridge: holding on with one hand to a ladder and with the other to part of the ship that was nearly submerged, he enabled still more to cross to safety. When the nightmare was over, the man himself was found to have drowned. He had literally given his life in using the authority he had assumed- the authority by which many had been saved.
--Tom Wright on Mark 1 in his little book, Mark for Everyone
A FIGHT in Church? and Who is Jesus?
In the Gospel According to Mark.... sick and suffering folk identify Jesus using honorific titles showing Jesus great respect. They call Jesus
“Lord” (7:8), “Teacher” (9:17), “Son of David” (10:47-48) or “Master” (10:51).
But those who are demon-possessed identify Jesus using divine titles; “the most holy one of God” (1:24), “the Son of God’ (3:11) or even as “the son of the Most High God” (5:7).
Those who are suffering seek Jesus’ help because he is a miracle-worker and perhaps the Messiah. But the demons clearly know who Jesus is and they identify him accordingly. --good stuff from Kim Riddlebarger, who nicked it from William Lane
--Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit
This week.... what are demons?
I'll try to point you to resources in case there is something you want/need to pursue more info on....
--Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks.... you can probalby get a paperback for $5 or read it online here
--Demons, brief article by Packer here
Jesus is 'da man!
"To do them justice, the people who crucified Jesus did not do so because he was a bore. Quite the contrary; he was too dynamic to be safe. It has been left for later generations to muffle up that shattering personality and surround him with an atmosphere of tedium. We have declawed the lion of Judah and made him a housecat for pale priests and pious old ladies."
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Why Jesus Told People To Shut Up
A suggestion:
"Jesus knew how easily His miracles would be misunderstood; they would gather a crowd of followers who were interested in Him exclusively because he could do signs & wonders. Jesus wanted people to see that His miracles were signs of the kingdom of God, and that it was submitting to the reign of God, not being a spectator of wonders, which really mattered." --Sinclair Ferguson
The Potential of One View of Christ's glory
through his triumph, grace and mercy are poured out to the full.
In glorious thoughts of this let my soul live, and in believing it let my soul die. And let the present wonder of this glory make way for the eternal enjoyment of it in it’s beauty and fullness…
One view of Christ’s glory by faith will scatter all the fears, answer all the objections and disperse all the depressions of the poor, tempted, doubting souls. To all believers it is an anchor which they may cast within the veil, to hold them firm and steadfast in all trials, storms and temptations, both in life and in death.” - John Owen, The Glory of Christ (p 80-81)
a 4th "C" ? Christ Community Connectional Church
-- North FLorida Presbytery
-- Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)
-- The Willow Creek Association
-- The Gospel Coalition
-- every church that proclaims Christ
What a privilege
Their desire to know Christ, to love their wives, to impact the world for God's glory.... is so strengthening and compelling to me. What a privilege to be around them.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Yes, see your sin... Then YES YES seek to SEE Christ!
--paraphrased from Robert Murray M‘Cheyne (1813 - 1843)
Because only looking at Christ & His cross and the gracious benefits that are OURS because of Him will lead to repentance and a life that pursues true holiness & beauty. Beware a desire, upon seeing the idols of your heart (i.e. your sin) to earn your way back to God or earn your way into a position of being worthy of His blessing.
"Even after you become a Christian by believing the gospel, your heart is still addicted to salvation by works. In your heart you still want to make the duties of the law come before the comforts of the gospel. Even if you have become assured that your salvation does not depend upon your own works, you will still tend to make all of the comforts and blessings of the gospel depend upon your own works. You will find it hard to believe that you should get any blessing before you work for it. You will think this is as unreasonable as an employee getting a paycheck before he works, or a farmer getting crops before he plants and reaps!” (Marshall, p. 117)
Monday, September 17, 2007
Law & Gospel
‘O law, Christ is my righteousness, my treasure, and my work; I confess, O law, that I am neither godly nor righteous, but yet this I am sure of, that he is godly and righteous for me.’ His obedience answered both the godliness required in the first table of the law, and the righteousness in the second table.
The believer may say to the law, O law, I am dead to thee, and married to another Husband, even Jesus Christ; and therefore, cannot bring forth any children, any fruit, any acts of obedience to thy threatening commands: but, behold, I run to my sweet husband, who hath suggard and sweetened the law, with a gospel-dress and form; which, giving strength to obey, and shewing the believer’s freedom from the wrath of God, ‘encourages the believer, as our Confession of Faith speaks, being free from the curse of the moral law, and delivered from everlasting damnation, to yield obedience to God;’ not out of slavish fear, but a child-like love, and a willing mind.”
--Ralph Erskine, “Law-Death, Gospel-Life,” in The Works of Ralph Erskine, p. 62, vol. 2
A Chair with Your Name on IT
Women's Group Tuesday at 9:30am off parker rd
Eyes to see
"One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and seek him in his holy temple." (Psalm 27:4)
I have a vision problem;
my eyes are okay,
but my heart
doesn't see very well.
I live in a world
where your beauty
is everywhere visible.
It is there
in the lily.
It is there
in the cascading wave.
It is there
in the multi-hued sunset.
It is there
in the stars of the night....
I do not see your beauty.
I must confess
I am so blind.
I see
my busy schedule.
I see
things to be fixed.
I see
obstacles to my plan.
I see
bills to be paid.
I see
things to be done.
I see,
but I fail to see your beauty.
Yet there is more...
So, Lord
correct my vision....
(Read Paul Tripp's entire post here)
When God Shines His Light in our Hearts
2 Corinthians 4:6
“Faith implies the enlightening of the understanding to discover the suitableness of Jesus Christ as a Saviour, and the excellency of the way of salvation through him. While the sinner lies undone and helpless in himself, and looking about in vain for some relief, it pleases a gracious God to shine into his heart, and enables him to see his glory in the face of Jesus Christ.For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Now this once neglected Saviour appears not only absolutely necessary, but also all-glorious and lovely, and the sinner’s heart is wrapt away, and for ever captivated with his beauty: now the neglected gospel appears in a new light, as different from all his former apprehensions as if it were quite another thing.”
Samuel Davies, Sermons of the Rev. Samuel Davies, vol. 1 (Pittsburg, PA: Soli Deo Gloria Publications, 1993), 125.
dates for next big thing student ministries
MS Mid-Winter
February 8-10, 2008
Word of Life Camp
HS Elevate
July 5-10, 2008
MS Conference
July 14-18, 2008
Saturday, September 15, 2007
GOD ALONE, a study of the work of God in Christ to redeem his people (Led by Rob Pendley, Chipper Flanigan, and RC Sproul)
PARENTING 101, 'nuff said (Led by Frank & Suzanne Matthews AND Richard & April Horner)
9:50 iced coffee, sweet muffins, and each other
10:15 worship
our highest privilege, to praise our God and be renewed by the power of His Spirit as we gaze upon His Son
A Prayer as we start into Mark's Account of Jesus' Life
of your might and mercy in your Son, our Lord, Jesus
Christ. We rejoice in the strength of his lion-like power
and in the tenderness of his lamb-like meekness. We
take heart from his incomparable combination of
excellencies. It reassures us that there is none like him,
and that he is not a mere man like others. O grant us,
in our brash indifference, to tremble before the Lion of
Judah and to humble ourselves under his fierce holiness.
And grant us, in our brokenness and fear, to
gather courage from the lion-like Lamb. Oh, how we
need the whole Christ! Open our eyes to see the fullness
of his excellence. Remove the lopsided and distorted
images of your Son that weaken our worship
and lame our obedience. May the power of the Lion
and the love of the Lamb make our faith in Christ
unshakable. So deliver us from small dreams and timid
ventures and halting plans. Embolden us. Strengthen
us. Make us love with fierce and humble love. Let us
share the confidence of the Lion of Judah that gave him
the will to die like a Lamb and rise in everlasting joy.
And in it all, grant that all might see the glory of Christ
and that you might be honored through him. In Jesus’
name we pray, amen.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I'm gonna miss having little kids....
I looked at him and said, "I'm so proud of you."
Life Is Hard
Shortly after 9/11/01 the folks at Redeemer Manhattan put this stuff together and the same principles that helped New Yorkers years ago helps those suffering NOW with marriage/children/job/health/etc suffering now.
Coping with suffering & tragedy
What does a teacher make?
I don't know if it hits me so deeply b/c:
-- I was raised by a teacher
-- I have 3 children who have, like, 10-12 teachers in school
-- I feel the vision for a renewed kingdom of God when Taylor Mali speaks... what if Christians valued children the way this guy does? what if I did?
Excerpt: You want to know what I make?
I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.
I can make a C+ feel like a Congressional medal of honor
and an A- feel like a slap in the face.
How dare you waste my time with anything less than your very best.
Watch the 3 minute video here
Respond by doing one of these:
--writing one of your children's teachers (at school, church, or your spouse!)
--pray for the 15 or so folks at CCC who mission every weekday in the elementary & middle schools (do we have any high school teachers?)
-- going after your kids in a way you haven't in a while... praying zealously that God would give them grace to see Christ, His Kingdom and His World in all its beauty & brokenness and be caught up in the wonder of it all
Oh, by the way, there's about 3.5 curse words in his 1000 or so word essay.... i warned you
Prayers for the People of our Church
and earth, hear our prayers for this church family.
Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the
repentant. Grant us all things necessary for our common
life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within
your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. --from The Falls Church in Virginia
women's event tonite 7pm
@ the home of Jenn Phegley (Click here to find directions...)
All women, college age and up, are welcome to come for fun, food, and friendship!
If able, bring a sampling (just make one dish- it doesn't need to feed everyone) of your favorite recipe and then bring the recipe to share (~10 copies)!
The recipe can be ANYTHING (punch, chicken, dessert, side, etc.)!
You do not need to bring anything to come!
Call Jenn Phegley with any questions: 333.3306
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Ramadan begins this Thursday (Sept. 13).
What is "Ramadan"? According to Norman Geisler and Abdul Saleeb's book, Answering Islam: The Crescent in Light of the Cross, "Followers of Muhammad commemorate his receiving of the Qur'an by fasting in the ninth lunar month of Ramadan. They are expected to refrain from eating food during the daylight hours for this entire month. However, they are allowed to eat from sunset to sunrise during this time." For more info, see the Wikipedia article on Ramadan.
Here is a very helpful post on Ramadan.....
Usually Christians superficially respond to this time of fasting by saying, "Thank you, Jesus that you purchased my redemption and I don't have to follow any weird traditions hoping to merit your favor." That is A PORTION of the healthy response to the start of ramadan, i think. I also should respond by asking myself:
How is my security in Jesus compelling me to make sacrifices that dwarf the insecure sacrifices that the followers of Muhammad are making now?
--Am I taking the passing on of the gospel to my children as seriously as the followers of Muhammad are with theirs?
Do I dismiss every inconvenient thought and chalk it up to my freedom in the gospel?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
What a great day
2. at 6:30am Tuesday men's group starts with 20 and a good meeting
3. at 9:30am women's group has nearly 30 in a strong 1st week meeting
4. now this tops it off.... my beloved Raiders signing JaMarcus!
mix in the hope of dinner with the whole family tonite... and excitement re: 6:15am group tomorrow with men i love and need
Women's Group Gets a Strong Start
Ladies, if you couldn't be there today...feel free to join in next Tuesday.
Lily Claire Addcox
5 pounds and 11 ounces
18.25 inches
They are all doing very well and are very tired, and happy.
Thy tender care bestowed,
Before my infant heart conceived
From Whom those comforts flowed.
Men Kicked it Off Strong...
Now, at 9:30 about 30+ women are expected at the Matthews' home for women's group
mañana, another opp for men who didn't hit the pub today.... 6:15am at church house
Monday, September 10, 2007
While feeble & fickle.....cling
Cling to the Lord Jesus in your feebleness, in your fickleness, in your nothingness;
and abidingly take him to be everything to you.
Jesus Sometimes Withdraws His Presence
Our glorious husband, the Lord Jesus, sometimes withdraws Himself from our spiritual experience, so that we have no refreshing sense of His love, no fresh communications of His consoling grace. Those who never feel His absence likely have never enjoyed His presence.
page 41 of Through the Looking Glass by Kris Lundgaard
The Gospel of Mark
In the Christian Bible, in the part known as the New Testament, the first four books are known as the gospels, while the first three of these, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, are so similar that they are sometimes referred to as the synoptic gospels (from Greek, συν, syn, together, and όπσις, opsis, seeing). These gospels often recount the same stories about Jesus, generally follow the same sequence and, often use the same or similar wording. The synoptic gospels are also often contrasted with the Gospel according to John.
Hand it over...
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Speech from Henry V
and the text at American Rhetoric
Ol' Willie Shakespeare nailed it when he wrote:
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.
Bible Studies Launch This Week
Men's Study at Mkt Street Pub 6:30am (Led by Billy Crow & Larry Eubanks)
Women's Study Tuesday Mornings @ 9:30-11:00am
@ The home of Suzanne Matthews (MAP)
Study on the book, "Breaking The Idols of Your Heart" by Dan Allender
Led by: Lizette Crosson, Paige French, Tara Gallagher, & Sharon Stankunas
Men's Study at the church house.... 6:15am til 7:30 (led by Rob Pendley, Steve Omli, Kevin Phegley)
Women's Event Thursday Night
- September 13th: Thursday
"Recipe Exchange Party"
@ the home of Jenn Phegley (Click here to find directions...) - All women, college age and up, are welcome to come for fun, food, and fellowship!
Bring a sampling (just make one dish- it doesn't need to feed everyone) of your favorite recipe and then bring the recipe to share (~10 copies)!
The recipe can be ANYTHING (punch, chicken, dessert, side, etc.)!
You do not need to bring anything to participate, though, if you would just like to come and fellowship with us!
Call Jenn Phegley with any questions: 333.3306
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Lunch after Church
9am Adult Sunday School Class (in Media Center) & Children's Kickoff Gathering (in Student Center)
9:50 Live Together (iced coffee served)
10:15 Worship Service in theater, includes Ministry Fair (information and opportunities to serve this Fall at CCC)
11:30 Lunch for all!
6pm Youth Group at Church House
Friday, September 07, 2007
Club 45 on September 16
-- play games
-- hear teaching from the Bible
-- eat Cheese-its returns Sept 16th (the day after the Tenn. game) from 4:30 to 6pm
WHERE? Church House (Map)
September 16
October 21
December 9
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Jackie Ausband
Usually when someone dies a song about death and life enters my mind.... and it is never the same song. With Jackie it was this old Wes King song... primarily for the chorus which says: "She's gone to be with Jesus." The song is about a woman being freed by death from a painful last few months... and fits what we're all feeling about Jackie today.
God knows she hurt
When she was with us
But now she hurts no more
Her pain has passed
----the whole song is here
“The excellency of Christ, and the love of Christ, more appear in his yielding himself to be crucified for us, than in any other of his acts, so that these things, considered together, above all things tend to draw forth on our part the exercises of humble love.”
- Jonathan Edwards, The Excellency of Christ
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
"Those are for future guests"
the bulk of the back row was empty and it dawned on me that this was the case b/c many of you stepped up and moved toward the front in order to free up space for future guests---- "Those seats are for our future guests!"
We had 195 people Sunday... and it was Labor Day weekend.... Let's continue to see the crowded theater as a positive thing and keep ever before us the vast difference it makes when you sit towards the front.
Starts Next Week
Men's Bible Study:
2 opportunities at 2 venues:
Tuesday morning at Mkt St Pub D'town
Wed.Mornings at CHouse on prkr road
Hey mate, don't you have any co-ed stuff? For me and me spouse?
Yep! Hmmm.... worship services and bible classes each sunday morning; community groups during the week... come to think of it.... just about e'thing else we do as a church family is co-ed, isn't it?
Monday, September 03, 2007
Yesterday's Newton Quote
several asked about the John Newton letter i quoted y'day.... here is some of it and a link to all of it:
I think my last letter turned upon the apostle's thought, Galatians 5:I7. "Ye cannot do the things that ye would." In the parallel place, Romans 5:19, there is another clause subjoined, "The evil which I would not, that I do." This, added to the former, would complete the dark side of my experience.
Permit me to tell your Lordship a little part (for some things must not, cannot be told), not of what I have read, but of what I have felt, in illustration of this passage. I would not be the sport and prey of wild, vain, foolish, and worse imaginations; but this evil is present with me: my heart is like a highway, like a city without walls or gates. Nothing so false, so frivolous, so absurd, so impossible, or so horrid, but it can obtain access, and that at any time, or in any place: neither the study, the pulpit, or even the Lord's table, exempt me from their intrusion.
.......I see the baseness and absurdity of such a conduct as clearly as I see the light of the day. I do not affect to be thought ten feet high, and I know that a desire of being thought wise or good, is equally contrary to reason and truth. ....The pride of others often offends me, and makes me studious to hide my own; because their good opinion of me depends much upon their not perceiving it. But the Lord knows how this dead fly taints and spoils my best services, and makes them no better than specious sins.
I embrace it as a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners; and it is the main pleasure and business of my life to set forth the necessity and all-sufficiency of the Mediator between God and man, and to make mention of his righteousness even of his only. But here, as in everything else, I find a vast difference between my judgment and my experience (i.e. "what i say i believe and what i actually live out"). I am invited to take the water of life freely, yet often discouraged, because I have nothing wherewith to pay for it.....though my disease is grievous, it is not desperate; I have a gracious and infallible Physician. I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.You can read the entire letter here
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