Wednesday, October 04, 2006

What's the difference?

great quote in a great article by Steve Brown:
"I'm torn between my love for (and particular views on) America and my love for and Jesus' views on the kingdom. Where does compassion for the homeless translate into "get a job, dummy?" Where does my belief in and my promotion of capitalism cross the place in which the clerk where I get my cleaning done has $50,000 in medical bills and no health insurance? Where do I draw the line between being an "in-your-face," angry patriot and being a weenie? How do I deal with my growing weariness of and anger with racial "victim-hood" and my awareness of real racism? What's the difference between creating (perhaps out of compassion) a permanent "underclass" in America and destroying the family fabric of society, and my call to love and to have compassion on the poor? How is one to love gays and lesbians without giving approval to a lifestyle that is clearly not approved by God?

It goes on and on; and, as you can imagine, I have particular views on all of those issues and a thousand like them. I'm not talking here about the particulars, but the attitude of a Christian (regardless of political persuasion) to the dual citizenship that we all have.

I think I've found the key. The key is in the tears."

Read the Whole thing here

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