Monday, December 11, 2006

Pascal and the movie "Crash"

This summer i watched CRASH. What a movie! This film does a tremendous job of helping you see that every person is both remarkable and repulsive. As Pascal put it:

It is dangerous to let a man recognize too clearly how much he has in common with the animals without at the same time helping him to realize his greatness. It is also unwise to let him see his greatness too clearly without realizing his baseness. It is even more dangerous still to leave him in ignorance of them both. So it is advantageous to draw attention to them both.

Every person you have seen today. Every person you'll see at the Mall this Christmas. Dignity beyond our imaginations b/c they are image bearers of the eternal God. Every person you saw in church yesterday, especially those two pastors!... depraved beyond your imagination and in need of the blood of Jesus. Schaeffer called us glorious ruins.... broken & beautiful.

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