Thursday, June 14, 2007

Psalm 51 and Colin Farrell

Today is Psalm 51.... you could honestly spend a month on it... or longer. Paul Tripp has been writing truly helpful thoughts on it for weeks.

Now this.... Quotes from a meditation on the Gospel of Grace, confession of sin, joyful intimacy, and the movie--Phone Booth:

A NYC promoter, Stu (Colin Farrell), is held captive in a phone booth at the whim of a sniper with a rifle, a laser scope and a telephone. Unless the promoter confesses his hidden sins to his wife, mistress, and colleagues the sniper will kill him.

So Stu confesses....

The Church, as a corporate body, is to do daily life like this movie scene of confession. Why? Because the Church is filled with people who are, in Luther’s words, simul iustus et peccador. In English, this means simultaneously sinning and justified. If we regularly enacted this scene from Phone Booth, we would honestly and brokenly proclaim our peccador-ness. If we confessed our sinfulness to our spouses, children, parents, friends, colleagues, neighbors, then others around us wouldn’t feel the pressure to display only their iustus-ness.

We are scared to death to boast in our weakness because it violates culture (best foot forward, turn your good side to the camera), but if all of us in the Church would boast in our weakness together, we would become a Gospel-suffused community of honesty, brokenness, repentance, grace, forgiveness and restoration. In short, we would be a community of joyful intimacy.

Read the entire post here

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