Saturday, December 06, 2008

Please God, make me like Jesse Jackson

Dare I link to a Jesse Jackson youtube?
As Palin might say, "You betcha!"

In meditating on Isaiah 11 this week and the world we all want that Jesus has inaugurated...
I've thought about an image from the recent US Presidential election night. Jesse Jackson was in Chicago at the celebration of Obama's victory. An African-American had been elected to the highest office in the land. The land that has degraded them for so long. Jackson seems to be soaking in the experience in a way that the white folks around him just can't experience... for they haven't known Jackson's longing. JJ was on the balcony when Dr. King was shot in Memphis. There have been times when hoping for "the coming of this day" had to seem ludicrous. Yet here it is.

In order for me to enjoy the consummation of the Kingdom of God (the vision of Isaiah 11)...
I must yearn for it. And that kind of yearning, my friends, is Spirit-wrought. Ask!

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