Thursday, September 17, 2009

Help in understanding Infant Baptism

1. Pratt's video here
This guy is one of the most energetic teachers I've ever sat under-- still can remember his Isaiah to Malachi night class at RTS-Orlando--YET i find his camera presence very calm. Regardless, this is a pretty in-depth video teaching, about 15 minutes, i think.

2. brief one from Ligon Duncan of 1st presbyterian Jackson MS

1. God, in both the Old and New Testaments, explicitly makes a promise to believers and to their children (Genesis 17:7; Acts 2:39).

2. God, in both the Old and New Testaments, explicitly attaches specific signs (respectively, circumcision [Genesis 17:10] and baptism [Acts 2:38, cf. Colossians 2:11-12], to this promise that he gives to believers and their children.

3. Therefore, since God has given an explicit promise to believers and their children, in the New Testament, and attached a sign to this promise, and enjoined us (in the new covenant) to administer that sign [baptism, Matthew 28:19-20], then we should give the sign of the promise he has made to believers and their children, to believers and their children, in humble obedience to biblical command and example. QED.

3. About 800 links here

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