10am thurs
Blog Archive
- Sam Storms has a tremendous study of Romans 14 onl...
- We Have a Great Physician!
- "Believers find within themselves contrary urgings."
- I am pardoned by the blood of Jesus--- give m...
- Secure in Christ
- Pictures from our Sept 14 Groundbreaking
- No title
- Obsessive Compulsive ORDER
- That is neither the ultimate nor the whole truth a...
- Asparagus
- How Shall We Then Listen?
- Sunday's Offering Song
- No title
- Here is an extended meditation on The Weaker Broth...
- Christian Liberty, screwed up
- Teach It To our Hearts
- Stumbling Block
- Jesus, I Come to Thee
- The Cross!
- Christ Chokes the Poison In our Concience
- A Christian is Defined by Desire
- Spurgeon this morning!
- No Curtain There
- She Must.... and SHALL
- quotes on liberty
- My Neighbor Has One Law-Giver... t'ain't me!
- Richard Baxter's "A Christian Directory"
- Sanctification (becoming holy) is essentially an a...
- When someone sets his affections upon the cross an...
- Groaning in Romans 8
- The Heart of the Gospel
- 10am thurs
- Best 5 minutes on 4 letter words i've seen...
- Take the Mess That Your Life Is... take it to God
- Watch it twice if need be
- pics from Ground-breaking
- He ever lives above, for you to intercede
- A Puritan Prayer
- He Fights Against Evil For Us
- Streams of Living Water
- What is your "Best Obedience"
- do NOT go to OAK HALL!
- ( by Preaching he means on sunday by a preacher to...
- Sunday Vows When We Ordain Deacons
- Heidelberg Catechism on Justification
- here we go....
- Faith is the eye that looks to him, the hand tha...
- Looking from the building site pad area out onto P...
- Justification is a doctrine for the whole Christia...
- Sunday will be a hot one, wear whatever
- A Great Day
- “If we took Grace too seriously especially the doc...
- Benedictine Monks
- Larry Crabb:My brother, Bill, died in a plane cras...
- At the same time true, we are justified and we are...
- Herald Article
- Communion & Union
- Justification!
- No title
- Please Pray for and Grieve With Haitian Loss
- How God SHOWS His Love
- grieve and pray
- In Light of the Storms of Ike and the Storms of Life
- A New Vista On Parker Road
- Jesus is The Way, Go Toward Him Immediately!
- This picture is of the newly cleared ground where ...
- A Prayer from John Calvin
- I loved this professor i had
- Come ye thirsty, come and welcomeGod's free bounty...
- So comforting to the broken; so frustrating to the...
- Trees R Fallin'
- Motive Motive Motive
- What does "weak" faith look like in Romans 14?
- Drilling it in your head
- Subject to None and Servant of All
- Romans 14... one of the key passages on Christian ...
- Romans 8 is about Our Security in Christ
- The Open Hands of Faith.... and the riches they re...
- Christ Has Freed Us For Freedom
- Trees are coming down today!
- Christian Liberty
- Gospel-Motivated Love
- I Want to Want Thee
- Justification and sanctification
- Women Bible Study Starts NOW !!!