Friday, January 30, 2009

1st let me marvel at 2 wonders of God: 1.) The human mind and 2.) The internet

When reading Psalm 72 verse 4 about Jesus
May he defend the cause of the poor of the people...

and because I'm preaching during our Global Outreach emphasis.... I remember that William Carey, in bringing Jesus and His gospel to India, also brought relief to widows. My mind says, though I haven't thought of it in years: "Dude, the reference if you need it is in a World Mag article by Andree Seu several years ago.

I go to world magazine archives, look at all her articles and zing! I have the article... and i share it with you now.


(sometimes)... the modern feminists forget, as they decry Christianity while standing on its shoulders, impugning its record on the status of women while reaping its benefits. They would borrow its capital to discredit it; they would slay it with the very sword that it has tendered them. And such were many of us, who in our '60s journeys looked for light and liberation in all the wrong places. (My own brother, now a missionary himself, found Christ on the River Ganges where he sat reading the Baghavad-Gita, when an Indian man sidled up and handed him the Gospel of John. Ah! The depths of the riches of the mercy and humor of God!)

As long as our colleges today are crowding out the traditional humanities curriculum with such offerings as "Fetishim," "Queer Theory," and "Third Wave Feminism and Girl Culture" (actual titles), maybe we could sneak in one of our own and call it "Widowhood Through Two Millennia: The Difference Christ Has Made." We might even learn that wisdom did not spring fully formed in this generation, and we might see how much better off we are to be married, or single, or even widowed, in a culture sweetened by the gospel.

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