Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Bible: A Biography of Song in the Church.... giving props

I failed to mention on Sunday where i got the overview of song and music in the bible. I was using work done by Reggie Kidd in his book With One Voice. Here is an excerpt...

In the biblical history, ironically, music begins outside the
covenantal line as God’s gift to nonbelieving Jubal. But song
eventually comes to mark the most significant of moments in
the relationship between Israel and Yahweh, Israel’s redeeming
Lord. In fact, over the course of Old Testament history, singing
emerges as a sure gauge of Israel’s relationship to the Lord and
the progress of her redemption.
Yahweh parts the Red Sea and the children of Israel sing, play
instruments, and dance. Just before Yahweh takes them across the
River Jordan, lest they forget what is going on, Moses teaches the
Israelites a song about who is waging the upcoming campaign of
conquest. Singing gets built into the covenant relationship both
as fortification for battle and as warning against faithlessness.

(you can read chapter one of this book here)

or you can read the rest of this little riff here

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