Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Community Groups Why we need them part 1

As a new blogger-recently introduced by Roberto- I figured I would focus on one of the key areas we are continuing to grow in at CCC- Community Groups

While there are several great groups already going- why is there a need to start more?? The biggest reason lies in the word Fellowship which is a commonly used word in the NT. This word is used to describe our relationship with Christ and our relationship to each other as the body of Christ.

It denotes something that is vital to a Christan's spiritual health and central to the church's true life... The church, CCC included, will flourish and Christians will be strong only whin there is fellowship.

more to come, please join us on Sunday mornings in the hour before church if you would like to study this idea more. I am leading a study on this topic then-all are welcome.

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