Wednesday, January 17, 2007

CS Lewis, the versatile friend

The other night I was reading Lewis' Screwtape Letters, as a dosed off. And I thought, "This guy has such an understanding of the human heart and can help you beware the wiles of the enemy."

The next morning I listened as 9 year old Olivia read chapter 1 of Lion Witch & wardrobe... where lewis describes how funny-looking Edmund thought the professor was .... saying something like, "Edmund couldn't quit laughing and had to pretend he was sneezing."
And I thought, "This guy can tell a story the way children want a story told!"

And with that I saw Lewis like a friend. The best kind of friend. He can go sit in your child's room and take them seriously and listen and tell a story. Then he can sit down with you and blow your mind with his ability to articulate the patterns of your heart.... and make you see how great Jesus is. Quite versatile, that Lewis.

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