Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Word

Change o' plans  

Sunday i'm preaching on "the word(s) of Christmas" (exile, immanuel, life, word). 

In English translations, John 1:1 reads, "in the beginning was the Word." The Greek term translated "Word" in this verse is the word logos. We see this word incorporated into a variety of technical terms such as biology (a word about living things) and theology (a word about God).

Though the translation of the term logosis the simple term word, it must be noted that logos carried a lot of philosophical baggage in the ancient Greek world. Ancient Greek philosophy was concerned with answering the ultimate questions of reality. They were seeking to find ultimate truth. They wanted to find the ultimate reality that lies behind all other things.

Over time, as the ancient philosophers pondered these questions, they came up with a term to describe this ultimate reality, and the term they came up with was logos. The logos came to be understood as that which gave life and meaning to the universe. Within the realm of Greek philosophy, however, this logos was largely understood to be an impersonal force, not a personal being.

--Robert Charles Sproul

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