Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Rob Bell

Dang it.

Within a 24 hour period I was reading my son an article Bell had written on Advent/Lent/Sabbath-- a very helpful meditation on our human need to have rhythms in our lives.

Then today I stumbled across an internet brouhaha that Bell started by basically denying the realities of Hell.

Two thoughts:
1.) Love is truth and love wins through truth.
Hell is real.  Jesus delivers God's people from it.  I feel the temptation to deny it--who doesn't.  But you just gotta re-write the Bible to get away from the reality of Hell.
2.) I read and learn from many people that I disagree with on key points.
If I only read & quoted people with whom I am in complete agreement with--well, I couldn't read or quote anyone.

Dang it, Rob.

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