Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Lent begins in one week, on Ash Wednesday

6:00-6:30am       AND     6:00-6:30pm

These two half-hour services will be held in the sanctuary.

Ash Wednesday begins the season known as Lent, which begins forty days prior to Easter and is characterized by a focus on repentance, fasting, prayer, and the needs of others. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus—His suffering and His sacrifice, His life, death, burial and resurrection. This first day of Lent reminds Christians of the words of Jesus in Matthew 16:24, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." The way to Easter is the way of the cross. 

As the first step in the Lenten journey the Ash Wednesday service invites us to acknowledge
-- our mortality,
-- our sinfulness and 
-- our dependence upon the grace of God.

We encourage all that are able to fast on Ash Wednesday leading up to the Ash Wednesday service as the Lord's Supper is served.

A unique feature of this service is the marking of the forehead with ashes in the sign of the cross (imposition of ashes). Since the 10th century this practice has been used to symbolize the frailty of our human existence and the 'dust and debris' in our lives (thus the name Ash Wednesday).

We hope you'll join us as we begin the Lenten season looking forward to its culmination on Easter Sunday morning as we worship our risen Savior.

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