Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ramadan begins this Thursday (Sept. 13).

Ramadan begins this Thursday (Sept. 13).
What is "Ramadan"? According to Norman Geisler and Abdul Saleeb's book, Answering Islam: The Crescent in Light of the Cross, "Followers of Muhammad commemorate his receiving of the Qur'an by fasting in the ninth lunar month of Ramadan. They are expected to refrain from eating food during the daylight hours for this entire month. However, they are allowed to eat from sunset to sunrise during this time." For more info, see the Wikipedia article on Ramadan.

Here is a very helpful post on Ramadan.....

Usually Christians superficially respond to this time of fasting by saying, "Thank you, Jesus that you purchased my redemption and I don't have to follow any weird traditions hoping to merit your favor." That is A PORTION of the healthy response to the start of ramadan, i think. I also should respond by asking myself:
How is my security in Jesus compelling me to make sacrifices that dwarf the insecure sacrifices that the followers of Muhammad are making now?
--Am I taking the passing on of the gospel to my children as seriously as the followers of Muhammad are with theirs?
Do I dismiss every inconvenient thought and chalk it up to my freedom in the gospel?

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