Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Yes, see your sin... Then YES YES seek to SEE Christ!

For every one look at yourself and your sin.... take 10 looks at Christ and His cross!

--paraphrased from Robert Murray M‘Cheyne (1813 - 1843)
Because only looking at Christ & His cross and the gracious benefits that are OURS because of Him will lead to repentance and a life that pursues true holiness & beauty. Beware a desire, upon seeing the idols of your heart (i.e. your sin) to earn your way back to God or earn your way into a position of being worthy of His blessing.

"Even after you become a Christian by believing the gospel, your heart is still addicted to salvation by works. In your heart you still want to make the duties of the law come before the comforts of the gospel. Even if you have become assured that your salvation does not depend upon your own works, you will still tend to make all of the comforts and blessings of the gospel depend upon your own works. You will find it hard to believe that you should get any blessing before you work for it. You will think this is as unreasonable as an employee getting a paycheck before he works, or a farmer getting crops before he plants and reaps!” (Marshall, p. 117)

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