"Heaven is important, but it's not the end of the world." In other words, resurrection means the new earth continues after people have gone to heaven.
Because Jesus is raised from the dead, God's new world has begun. We are not only the beneficiaries of new creation; we are the agents of it. I just can't stop preaching about that, because that is where we're going with Easter.
"Our task…is to live as resurrection people in between Easter and the final day, with our Christian life, corporate and individual, in both worship and mission, as a sign of the first and the foretaste of the second."
The message of the Resurrection is that this present world matters; that the problems and pains of this present world matter; that the living God has made a decisive bridgehead into this present world with his healing and all-conquering love and that, in the name of this strong love, all the evils, all the injustices, and all the pains of the present world must now be addressed with tire news that healing, justice, and love have won the day. That’s why we pray: “Thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven.” Make no bones about it: Easter Day was the first great answer to that prayer.
Blog Archive
- God and Our Eating
- a working doc
- When Love Comes To Town...
- great day together....
- He is the image of the invisible God, the firstbo...
- I suppose that since most of our hurts come throug...
- Dwell where the cries of Calvary can be heard
- Growing in holiness is not not not not not BUT
- Vows of Church Members
- The Faith He Gives Us Procures His Favor
- How Goes it With Your Soul?
- "A singing bird in an open cage ......Who will onl...
- Connor baby born!!!
- He is not here
- Tom Wright Quotes on Easter & NEW CREATION
- Holy Saturday People
- a little ol' phone call
- Congregational Singing on Easter
- Google map of Holy Week locations
- This great writing (and more glorious vision!) is ...
- some gifts i've received... and how they help me a...
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- Haiti Team DOing Great
- Pray for the Haiti Team (PFHT)
- Same guy who wrote "sinners in hands of angry God"
- Haiti Update... yet not TOO up-to-date
- reading through mark
- Joy Like Swords
- His ForeverJesus, friend of sinnersLoved me ’ere I...
- Heaven is not our home...
- got 7 minutes?
- Bearing shame and scoffing rudeIn my place condemn...
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- Outside of Christ we are slaves, the best of us ar...
- John Owen on Humility
- Lent & Fasting
- Justification is an act of God’s free grace, where...
- “Being a Christian is a blend of doctrine, experie...
- Avoiding a sugared gospel
- Perhaps I need to change too....
- great lyric as Easter approaches
- Gospel Freedom
- was Jesus being neglectful of the needs of the poo...
- Oh God, please make me liberal!