Friday, November 21, 2008

The Love of Christ

I think I've referenced this before... but Sinclair Ferguson gave a talk called Our Holiness: Abiding in the love of Christ where he basically says... you can't become holy (which includes mortification) without abiding in Jesus' love (aspiration). What kind of love do we abide in? Multi-dimensional love... but what arrested me was this one:

This is a “love of complacency” (term coined by John Owen).
The Atonement is the stepping-stone and foundation of every other blessing. God delights in those who have been atoned. Because of the Cross we are now objects of His pleasure and satisfaction. John Owen says, “The love of Christ is a love of complacency.” This love and delight flows in more love and joy (Zeph. 3:14-17, John 15:11). [Owen defines “complacency” as the delight and joy displayed by one fully satisfied in the object he has fixed his love upon (See Communion with God, 1:25).]

Jesus promises, “My joy will be in you.” Once our sins are atoned, there is a love in Jesus’ heart that overflows in sheer delight over us. Bathe in this truth! We are prone to beat ourselves into the dust over our remaining sinfulness rather than abide in Jesus’ love. Remember, Jesus’ love towards us is a love of complacency.

You can download or hear the sermon here and read the sermon notes here

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