Friday, November 21, 2008

This is from Richard Lovelace's marvelous little book, Renewal.

The heart which is illuminated by the Holy Spirit's application of truth* is progressively set free from its bondage to sin and error. "You will know the truth," Jesus said, "and the truth* will set you free" John 8:32 NIV). As our hearts, the subconscious root of our personality, are increasingly filled with light, our minds are freed to discover and affirm truth, our wills are freed to obey God, and our emotions are released to feel about all things as God feels about them.

We should note that the immediate goal of illuminated faith is not works or spiritual achievement. Instead, it is fellowship with God, leading to fellowship with other believers.

* my flesh (RP) has such a legalist mindset that i've only ever thought of "truth" as primarily telling me how not to sin... thinking about aspiration & dwelling on the promises of God & resting in His revealed truth about His love towards us... helps me to see how the Holy Spirit applying truth can sound like:
"Rob, believe the gospel here. Don't you see you don't have to scramble to get whatever it is you are chasing (approval, reputation, comfort, etc). In fact, it won't satisfy. Rest in Jesus."

This sheds a whole new light on Jesus' words: The truth can set you free.

Do it, Lord.

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