Friday, February 20, 2009

A Great Tragedy

The point at the end of Mark 11... that all the religious groups have found a rallying point......
is that the shepherds of Israel, reject
their own Messiah en masse. This not only proves how blind that these men had become to the truth, but
this exchange sets the stage for the Parable of the Tenants which follows in Mark 12, in which Jesus
clearly speaks a word of judgment upon all of these men who have already rejected John and are even
now rejecting him. We should also notice that this conflict takes place within the confines of the temple,
which Jesus is seeking to purify and which, despite its magnificent splendor, pales in comparison to Jesus
himself, who is the true temple. Therefore, we miss a great deal of what is transpiring, if we fail to see
that great tragedy which is even now taking place. Israel is on the verge of rejecting her own Messiah. --Kim Riddlebarger

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