Friday, February 20, 2009

“Song of the Vineyard+”

Jesus knew His bible... and used it. In Mark chapter 12 he a remix of a 700 year old song.

There can be no doubt that these words are an echo from the “Song of the Vineyard” in Isaiah
5:1-7, our Old Testament lesson. Some seven hundred years earlier, the Lord spoke through the prophet
Isaiah, saying “I will sing for the one I love a song about his vineyard: My loved one had a vineyard on
a fertile hillside. He dug it up and cleared it of stones and planted it with the choicest vines. He built a
watchtower in it and cut out a winepress as well. Then he looked for a crop of good grapes, but it
yielded only bad fruit. `Now you dwellers in Jerusalem and men of Judah, judge between me and my
vineyard. What more could have been done for my vineyard than I have done for it? When I looked for
good grapes, why did it yield only bad? Now I will tell you what I am going to do to my vineyard: I will
take away its hedge, and it will be destroyed; I will break down its wall, and it will be trampled. I will
make it a wasteland, neither pruned nor cultivated, and briers and thorns will grow there. I will
command the clouds not to rain on it.’ The vineyard of the LORD Almighty is the house of Israel, and
the men of Judah are the garden of his delight. And he looked for justice, but saw bloodshed; for
righteousness, but heard cries of distress.” As originally given, the “Song of the Vineyard” was a
warning to Israel in those days before the exile. God warns his disobedient people that he will turn his
vineyard over to the Gentiles.

(for the truly attentive.... yes, the + is a shout out to Coldplay & JayZ's "Lost+")

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