Saturday, May 02, 2009

God must have the priority

The decisive factor in determining
who is to be saved from sin is not the
decisions of the human beings
concerned, but the sovereign grace
of God—though human decision does
play a significant role in the
process.…We must therefore affirm
both God’s sovereignty and man’s
responsibility; both God’s sovereign
grace and our active participation in
the process of salvation. We can
only do justice to biblical teaching if
we firmly hold on to both sides of the
paradox. But since God is the Creator
and we are his creatures, God must
have the priority. Hence we must
maintain that the ultimately decisive
factor in the process of our salvation is
the sovereign grace of God.

— Anthony Hoekema

Rob: Last week we wanted to focus on the sinfulness of man to be seen in the full context of mankind being broken AND beautiful (still bearing God's image). So this week we want the electing grace of God to be seen in the full context of God's people being elected AND personally expressing their faith (which is a gift from God) in Christ.

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