Saturday, June 13, 2009

Zephaniah 1

Palmer Robertson commenting on verse 6 of chptr 1
"Both words (seek and inquire) refer essentially to a concentration of devotion directed toward their God . The combination of terms underscores the fact that worshiping the true God requires a conscious and directed effort . This intensity in devotion cannot be regarded as an option reserved for a pious minority . Failure to seek after the Lord is a sin which shall bring an exterminating judgment."*

OK, incredibly serious words.  Let me make a recommendation... because I certainly believe--and have seen--and have experienced(!)... that followers of Christ can fall into not seeking God with an intensity of devotion.
#1.) Remember, YOUR intensity doesn't save you!  CHRIST'S does!
#2.) Not seeking him is a sin, grieves him, and harms your own soul.  We become malnourished, because WE NEED what we find when we seek him.... namely HIM.
#3.) John Piper's book "When I Don't Desire God" is excellent.  Before you dismiss it because you think of Piper only as the ever-happy and joyous dude......Piper has had dark and apathetic seasons.  You can tell by the way he writes about it.  It is worth the cash, but you can read it NOW as a pdf here.  
O. Palmer Robertson. The Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah (New International Commentary on the Old Testament). (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1990). Pages 265-266. 
When I copy and paste from my PURCHASED digital copy of his commentary it automatically gives him his props..which i like.

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