Thursday, August 20, 2009

Healthy Tensions in Worship

there is such a tendency, in individuals (1st person especially!) and congregations to "fall off the horse" on some of the great tensions we are called to enjoy in Scripture. many of these pertain to our worship of God. There is a very helpful little 4 page doc HERE that shows many of these. One of them is transcendence & immanence:

Transcendence of God
(Is. 6:1-6)
God is majestic, sovereign
Holiness and righteousness
“Holy, Holy, Holy”
Traditional liturgy

Immanence of God (Heb. 4:14-16)
God is near, Emmanuel
Mercy and grace
“Jesus, Friend of sinners”
Store front church
Free-flowing liturgy
Both: Is. 54:5; Is. 57:15

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