Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why we shut the doors

Beginning August 23rd the ushers--at the request of the elders--will begin shutting the doors to the theater of Oak Hall for the 4-7 minute period that is the
Confession of Sin & Words of Comfort.


Of our goals is to provide an atmosphere that--as much as possible--enables people to worship God free of distractions. We have realized with increasingly clarity how distracting it is for people to be entering the theater when we are at this pivotal moment in the service. We have seen God's awesome character in the Song of Adoration and are remembering that we are in the presence of the One True and Living God. This is a time of particular focus when we, as His people, confess our sins to Him and receive the much-needed reminder that He cleanses us from our sin!

So, if you get shut out. Remember that it is a brief time. Participate while in the foyer. (We try to place speaker in the foyer so that you can clearly hear what is being said by the leader.)

When the singing of the songs of Thanksgiving, join or re-join us with a heart grateful for mercy and ready to delight in our Redeemer and King.

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