Saturday, August 22, 2009

sermon outline

I. The Definition of Worship
Worship is the English word to describe three things
A. All of life (Romans 12:1-2)
B. Corporate Worship Service (John 4)
C. A specific act (Psalm 100)
“Worship is the believer’s response of all that they are – mind, emotions, will, body – to what God is and says and does.” -- Warren Wiersbe
“Worship is communion with God in which believers, by grace, center their mind’s attention and heart’s affection on the Lord, humbly glorifying Him in response to His greatness and His word.” - Dr. Bruce H. Leafblad
II. The Purposes of Worship
Corporate worship is nothing more and nothing less than a
re-presentation of the Gospel in the presence of God and his people for His glory and their good.

A. The glorification of God requires us to honor His divine attributes and mighty acts (Psalm 150: 2), and to rejoice in them (Deut. 12:12).

B. The good of God’s people requires worship that promotes their love (I Cor. 14:1), encouragement (14:3), instruction (14:3-6), mutual edification (14:12, 26-28), thanksgiving (14:16), witness (14:16, 23), and conviction (14:24-25).

This includes the full range of human experience! Frustration AND fullness, joy AND sorrow, faith AND doubt
(read the Psalms! i.e. “God’s prayer book”)

III. The Elements of Worship
A. Preaching the word (includes baptism & communion)
B. Singing
C. Praying

IV. The Focus & Fuel of Worship, see below

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