Friday, February 25, 2011


Exodus 10:21-29 is the account of God sending darkness over Egypt for
3 days. Due to t. Edison we don't exactly fear the darkness. But
imagine if we were too experience 72 hours of darkness, combined with
no artificial lighting.

"Deep, total darkness of the sort God imposed on the Egyptians would
also cause sensory deprivation, leading to disorientation and
psychological distress. More than just those people inclined to
light-deprivation depression would be severely depressed by the third
day. A sense of doom would pervade all minds". -- Douglas Stuart

Reminds me:
1) dude just moved to Fla from way North said, "easier to feel happy
with all the sun you get here".
2.) the children of Uganda walk from the villages into the cities
because the night brings terror

Jesus is LIGHT and promises He's making us light to the world.

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