Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Join International Friendship for an Italian Dinner- American Style!


Please join us on Thursday, February 17th at 7:00 p.m. for our next IDEA Feast. Come and enjoy a delicious American dinner and then listen to a lecture about Leadership principles. This is a great time to have a delicious meal, meet new friends, and talk to native speakers. It's FREE for internationals, so bring your friends!   

Topic:            Leadership Principles

Speaker:         Mr. Mitchell Cruit
                        Graduating Senior at UF
                        BS in Business Administration
Meal:             Baked Ziti (pasta with tomato sauce),
                        Salad, Garlic Bread and Dessert.
                                    (vegetarian meals available)         

Come enjoy a great meal and some great friends. We are located in the Baptist Student Union located at 1604 W. University Avenue.

Toby Sorrels

Executive Director
International Friendship 
Transportation:  We always provide transportation home after class.

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