Wednesday, February 23, 2011

a story that answered all the big questions

The exodus was not just any old story; it was the story, the story that shaped
the Israelites into the people of God. It was the story of their salvation. It
was a true story, a story based on the facts of history. It was a story that
explained everything the children of God needed to know. It explained who
they were: the people of God, delivered from slavery. It explained who God
was: the Lord God of Israel, the God of all power and glory. It explained
where they came from: out of Egypt. It told them where they were going: into
the land of promise. And it explained what their purpose was: They were
saved for God’s glory. By sending his plagues against Pharaoh, God was giving
his people a story that answered all the big questions: Who am I? Where
did I come from? Where am I going? What is the meaning of life? Is there a
God? If there is, how can I know him, and what does he want me to do?

--phil ryken

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