Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The 5 Initiatives

Worshipping God
We are committed to pursue a worship service which offers God great praise and helps people find their identity and calling in Christ. The preaching this Fall will focus upon this initiative.

Permanent Facility
We are diligently seeking to build a permanent facility on the 9 acres God has given us on Parker Road. This entails working with an architect, land engineer, and conducting a capital campaign in 2007.

Authentic Community
Christ Community, though already a place of genuine community for many, needs to seek more paths to allow newer and other "unconnected" folk an opportunity for building relationships.

Leadership Development
God has kindly given CCC godly and gifted men to serve as temporary elders. We are zealously pursuing the raising up of local men to serve as elders. The congregation will receive instruction and be asked for input in October.

Ongoing Corporate Renewal
If we as a church family are not experiencing the grace of God... we will devour one another and not give a wit about the brokenness around us. If we are renewed by the gospel, we will be agents of change. We seek to be instruments in the hands of the Redeemer, knowing that we who are giving help to others are in need of being helped by God.

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