Friday, May 18, 2007

Birds, Our Teachers

John Stott once preached 3 sermons on what it means to follow Jesus' advice to, "Look at the birds..." (Matthew 6). You can get them from All Souls Church

anyway, eating lunch at my desk ... birds are on my mind... specifically the little ones in the nest in my garage

Y'day 6 yr old John Reid told me, "There's a nest in our garage. Right there!"
I didn't know how long they'd been there or what stage they were at--eggs or babies."
Fast fwd to this morning... while sipping coffee I read this from Jimmy Packer:
Come to the Bible hungry and expectant, conscious of daily need to hear God speak. “Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it,” says God (Psa 81:10). The open mouth is a gesture of hunger and dependence. “With open mouth I pant, because I long for thy commandments,” says the psalmist (Psa 119:131). Desire for God, springing from a sense of our need of him, is the factor that decides how much or how little impact Scripture will make upon us.

The open
mouth is a gesture of hunger & dependence. The nest! I race out to raise the garage door that has been down since 9pm last nite. I look in the nest. It is not an exaggeration to say that all I saw were..... 2 mouths... opened as wide as they go. And the babies were making this noise that I am sure (though i don't claim to speak bird) was saying, "Feed me. I need your help."

Yep. Shortly I began to see a loving parent come and take care of these little ones. I walked away thinking about what I'd read in Packer and seen in my garage and praying-- "O God, make my heart like that. Would that my experience was more regularly that I would open my Bible with my mouth wide open... hoping. Expecting. From You.

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