Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How Can I Forgive Them?

loads of stuff is written on forgiveness... seems that (like a car engine) every r'ship--to run properly... to survive!!---must be constantly lubricated by a pretty generous dose of forgiveness

Hands down the best thing I've ever seen on practically pursuing forgiveness by accessing the promises of Jesus is the Forgiveness Project by Tim Keller. I'll seek to post bite size portions in coming days...

If you need the whole thing NOW! click here

A. The Resources for Forgiveness.

1. We need enough humility.

Jesus ties our ability to forgive to our ability to repent. ("Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors" Matt.6:12.) This doesn't mean that God forgives our sins because we forgive others. It means that in general we are as forgiven by God as we are forgiving to others because unforgiving people are unrepentant people. The more we hold grudges the less we see ourselves as having done wrong and needing forgiveness; the more we see ourselves as needing forgiveness, the more likely we are to forgive others. Why? Resentment requires a person to sit in the position of Judge (Rom.12:19-20). We can only hold grudges if we feel superior to the other person. Jesus very directly and bluntly tells us that, if we hold a grudge against another person, we are ignorant of how much we owe God. So the first thing we have to see is our own need for forgiveness. We need enough humility to forgive.

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