Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Not Without Tears, Stott on Hell

The gospel brings warnings as well as promise, of the
retention of sins as well as the remission of sins.  
'Beware, therefore', warned the apostle Paul, 'lest there
comes upon you what is said in the prophets:  "Behold, you
scoffers, and wonder, and perish ..."' (Acts 13:40-41).  
'Perish' is a terrible word.  So is 'hell'.  We may, and I
think we should, preserve a certain reverent and humble
agnosticism about the precise nature of hell, as about the
precise nature of heaven.  Both are beyond our
understanding.  But clear and definite we must be that hell
is an awful, eternal reality.  It is not dogmatism that is
unbecoming in speaking about the fact of hell; it is
glibness and frivolity.  How can we think about hell
without tears?

JOHN Stott --From "Christian Mission in the Modern World"

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