Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Palm Sunday is here!

From Knox Chamblin’s commentary on Matthew:


 Thus, despite the genuine excitement that attends Jesus' entry (v. 10), the crowd still

shows itself to be lacking in the spiritual insight needed for rightly understanding

Messiah's person and work. Yet among those to whom this insight has been given

(13:11), there is cause for the greatest possible jubilation. For Christian believers who

look back on the great eschatological Exodus, who praise God for his great victory over

Sin and Death in the Cross of His Son, who on that basis repeatedly approach the place of

worship and celebrate the Passover of the New Age (26:26-28), Ps 118 still provides a

marvelous vehicle for praise. But as for the original pilgrims, the Psalm is still more

than a song of thanksgiving. It is also a means of our shouting "O LORD, save us!" - to

implore Him to complete his saving work and to bring his kingdom to full realization

(6:10) - to hasten the day when the Savior will come again (23:39).


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