Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jerram Barrs

As we teach our children about human beings, we must not only teach that we are sinners. In fact before we say we are sinners, we must first say that God has crowned us with glory and honor and set all things under our feet. We must work at helping our children enjoy the glory of their humanity and of the humanity of the people around them. To fail to do so is, in effect, to blaspheme against God. Help children see the glory of what different cultures have created. Help them see the creativity, the wonderful music and painting and literature that flows out of humanity. The book of James puts it this way, "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness…this should not be!" (James 3:9,10).



Excerpted from a tremendous article entitled Everything is Interesting



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