Sunday, May 09, 2010

Sanctuary Info

Sanctuary Information, available @ resource desk in lobby today

After many years of meeting in facilities that did not belong to us, we are excited about creating our own space for worship. Everything in the sanctuary has been so placed for a Biblical purpose. Here, you will find a brief explanation of what you’ll find in our sanctuary and why it’s here.

In the thirty-five appearances of the image in Scripture, knees are most often used to signify the state of one person before another, usually in submission or humility.  We offer kneelers so that those desiring to physically bow in prayer may do so.  Different people worship God differently. Consequently, some people desire to be more physically expressive in worship. If you wish to outwardly demonstrate your submission to God during prayer, please make use of the kneelers in the sanctuary whenever you feel so led.

Pulpit: (coming this week)
The pulpit—centered on the platform to represent the centrality of the preached Word of God—includes a carving of the cross upon which Jesus was crucified. The cross has come to represent many things, including the sacrifice that God made by sending His unblemished Son to suffer and die for our sins. It is also a symbol of God’s power of all things—death included—and is included on the pulpit as a reminder that Christ is our only Redeemer.

Communion Table: (coming this week)
Used to prepare and serve the Lord’s Supper, the communion table has a baptism bowl placed upon it. The baptism bowl represents the commitment of Christ Community Church to the sacrament of baptism and the outward demonstration of God’s covenant with us, His people, and that we need, accept and desire His grace.

The table carries the inscription “This, do, in remembrance of Me,” as a reminder that we are to take the Lord’s Supper—also called holy communion and the Eucharist—as an outward demonstration of our redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Through Him, we have been redeemed.

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