Thursday, May 06, 2010

Ulysses, James Joyce, Andrew Pendley, and the Addcox Stephen and Anna

The other day Andrew said, "Will you buy me a book?"  I gave my standard, "As long as it wasn't written in the last 50 years."


Me: "Ok, yeh, that was written in year 300 so i'll get it.  Oh, it was written by James Joyce?
Well, I (think I) know all about him because, you know, I saw the movie "Notting Hill".  He was British in the 1700's."

This led me to telling him he should talk to an Addcox because they are (like me) experts on English Literature.  Well, turns out James Joyce was Irish and the book was first published in 1922.  I'm an idiot.  But still glad my son wants to read this and still very grateful to be in a church family with folks like Stephen and Anna.

(Ah yes, I haven't read Ulysses.  So if there is a sinful act or a curse word in it---please don't tell me.  Thanks.)

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