Friday, January 07, 2011

From Nate

announcements regarding CCC's Youth Ministry:

1. Parents' Meeting this Sunday, January 9th from 5 to 5:45 in the Sanctuary before Youth Group. Your attendance is very much encouraged and appreciated. We'll be passing out and discussing calendars, updating you on what the youth ministry has been doing, handing out snack sign-ups, communicating our vision, and giving you an opportunity to ask questions and meet the youth leaders.

2. Parents of Middle School Students, the deadline for early registration for the Middle School Mid-Winter Retreat is this Sunday, January 9th. If you haven't received any of the informational emails about this retreat, please let me know, and I will send one to you. The cost goes up from $99 to $110 after Sunday. You can register your middle schooler by handing me a check made out to Christ Community Church. Also, remember that there are scholarships available for students. My desire is for every student who wants to come to come, so don't hesitate to ask about a scholarship.

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