Monday, January 31, 2011

Hallelujah! What a salvation!

�What are believers saved from?  

From their former position under the wrath of God, the dominion of sin, and the power of death; from their natural condition of being mastered by the world, the flesh and the devil; from the fears that a sinful life engenders, and from the many vicious habits that were part of it.  

How are believers saved from these things?  Through Christ, and in Christ.  Our salvation involves first, Christ dying for us and second, Christ living in us and we living in Christ, united with Him in His death and risen life.  This vital union, which is sustained by the Spirit from the divine side and by faith from our side, and which is formed in and through our new birth, presupposes covenantal union in the sense of our eternal election in Christ.�

J I Packer

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