Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Life Less Petty

Sunday we begin a 3 week study we're calling "Streams of Grace". The idea is to take a look at ways God nourishes our souls, strengthening them in the gospel. Avenues God uses to secure us, envision us, and send us out... Historically, the church has called these the "means of grace" and listed them in 3 broad categories... Prayer, Word, Sacrament. Sunday we will look at Psalm 1 as we focus on prayer. Specifically, prayer that nourishes the soul. Prayer that advances God's kingdom has often been called meditation, because it involves God's word. Look at the tremendous metaphor given to describe the effect that meditative prayer can bring...

He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.

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