Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Report from Va. Tech Minister

this is from an email Jenna Lammers sent out today.....
Steve's old college friends from Clemson RUF days (Eliza and JR Foster...used to be at Florida State doing RUF) are the RUF leaders at Virginia Tech. Wanted to share part of Eliza's email to me today so you can pray and hear some of what the campus Christian community is dealing with.

" Our students are in shock, I think. Many of them knew someone who knew someone, but honestly we are still waiting on names and reports. We do have one student who was in one of the rooms in Norris Hall...he was the only one not killed in that French class...he played dead. JR spend time with him last night. Please pray for him and his dealing with this awful experience."

" Pray for him (JR getting lots of calls by media for interviews from all over the world)...for bold proclamation of the gospel, for wise decisions about how to spend his time, for peace. Please pray for our RUF students...for their sharing of the gospel and holding out life to those around them, for their wrestling with this tragedy. Pray for other students and faculty to be brought to saving faith. Pray for me as I support JR, talk with studnets, and answer my children's questions...I just want to shelter them and yet it's such an opportunity...hard to now what to tell them."

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