Thursday, July 05, 2007

Psalm 73 this Sunday

Psalm 73 has much to say about desire. We ought not to conclude that all this psalm says is:
that it is right to desire heavenly things
and wrong to desire earthly things.

It doesn't.... To desire blessings from God is not wrong, and many earthly desires are legitimate and godly--in their place. Psalm 73 (along with many other discussions of heavenly and earthly desires) draws attention to matters of emphasis, priority, control, and authority. What functionally rules the heart? Has desire become your demand and chief good? Does demand shape how you related to God and man, and how interpret your situation? Envy, anger, frustration, disappointment, fear--even happiness!--all reveal what rules the heart. The contrast is not simply between heavenly and earthly objects of desire or between good and bad desires, but between a heart ruled by God and a heart ruled by desire for the created thing. --Paul Tripp

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