Thursday, May 08, 2008

What I owe my mother for my soul and my love to Christ and my role as a husband and father and pastor is incalculable.

those words are from John Piper.... who also says:

So let’s make very clear: the apostle of Jesus Christ in this text (1 timothy) bestows on motherhood and grandmotherhood a great honor. You have a calling that can become the long-remembered ground of faith, not just for your children—mark this—but for the untold numbers who will be affected by your children. And that’s in addition to all the other thousands of ripple effects of faith in your life. -Piper

RP: Guys, envision your wives & daughters to see the power they wield, and can wield
Ladies, there is no question in the mind of this pastor/husband/son who shapes the future... 'tis you. May God give you grace to trust Him, and by His Spirit & Word, shape it for His Glory.

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