Thursday, August 28, 2008

Be at peace with one another

Sounds boring doesn't it?

I don't know why but it can have a blah sound to it. Yet it is vital and life-giving and when you've experienced conflict with someone... to be at peace is not boring at all. It is a joy.

The next couple of weeks I will be speaking on How the Gospel Transforms Personal Relationships (even marriage)

1.) The words of Christ resonated with me as we went through Mark 9 and I was pricked to consider.... "Should we park here for a couple of weeks?"
2.) Christ Community is undergoing many changes. And these are NOTHING compared to the changes we'll experience when we move into the building on Parker Road.
3.) September 7 is a communion Sunday and preaching on this topic prior to communion seems wise.

Pray for me, as I pray for you. May God use these two messages to help us all grow in grace.

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