Saturday, August 16, 2008

On 2nd Thought....

The Fallout good & bad of not preaching from a manuscript/getting carried away

#1. (This is how I plan to launch sermon this week, August 17)

Before I read the scripture passage I would like to say a brief word about last Sunday’s sermon. On two occasions I used a word that I'm not proud of using. In my zeal to get across a point I used vocabulary that is not appropriate for this setting, especially given the variety of ages in our midst. To those who were offended, please accept my apology. To parents, if this is an opportunity to explain that sin has infiltrated all of life (including Sunday morning), please use it. For those of you who weren’t here—or didn’t catch it—CD’s of the message are available in the foyer for $29.95… or you can pick it up on itunes or at the church website for free.

Now, if you are able, would you please stand for this reading of God's Word...

#2. Being offended at the wrong things
One person said to me on August 10, "Great sermon, Rob." I replied, "Thank you. But I shouldn't have said _____ twice." To which they said, "Rob, I've been in churches all my life where the minister never used the word ______. I've also never been challenged to repent of the arrogance with which I often hold my Reformed & Presbyterian theology."

May God give me the grace in the future to drop the former and keep the latter.

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