Thursday, August 28, 2008

Unbelief Fears While Faith Treads

“Satan, with all his wits and wiles, shall never defeat a soul armed with true grace. Let the devil choose his way. God is a match for him at every weapon. The devil and his whole council are but fools to God.

Be still, troubled Christian, and know that the contest is not between the church and Satan, but between Christ and Satan. These are the champions of the two sides. Stand still, army of saints, by faith, to see the all-wise God wrestle with a subtle devil. You shall behold the Almighty smite off this Goliath’s head with His own sword, and take this cunning hunter in the trap of his own schemes.

That faith which ascribes greatness and wisdom to God will shrink up Satan’s subtlety into a thing of nothing. Unbelief fears Satan as a lion; faith treads on him as a worm.”

—William Gurnall, Christian in Complete Armour

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