Friday, March 20, 2009

Kim Riddlebarger points out that in Mark 14:27-52 there are 3 main parties to the event of the arrest of Jesus:
1.) Sanhedrin 2.) Disciples 3.) Jesus

Note what KR says @ the disciples' actions:
Make no mistake about
it, we are just like the disciples. We may affirm a thousand times that we will never stumble or fall, but
each one of us will do exactly what the disciples did, unless the grace of God enables us to stand firm.
The spirit may be willing, but the flesh is very weak. Even though we are justified sinners, we remain
weak and sinful until we die or Christ comes back, whichever comes first. We are just like Peter, or
James, or John. Jesus commands us to be diligent, and we fall sleep. Jesus speaks to us through his
word, and our minds wander off into who knows were. Jesus communes with us through prayer, and we
lose focus and we fall asleep. Never, ever, overestimate yourselves.

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