While Jesus was fervently praying and while his disciples were struggling
to keep awake, at the behest of the Sanhedrin, the twelfth disciple, Judas Iscariot, was leading a group of
armed men to that place where he knew that Jesus and his disciples would likely go. And so it was there
in Gethsemane that Judas kissed Jesus on the cheek, alerting the armed men who had followed him that
this was the man they were seeking. After a brief fracas in which someone lost an ear, Jesus ordered all
fighting to stop. As he voluntarily surrendered to these armed men, his own disciples panicked and fled
into the darkness for safety. Despite their protests to the contrary, they had all fallen away, just as Jesus
predicted. Jesus was now all alone. Soon, he will be standing before Caiaphas, the Jewish high priest,
accused of blasphemy. After that, he will stand before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, accused of
sedition–claiming to be king. Jesus was now just hours away from the cross when he will experience utter humiliation–he who knew no sin will be rejected by the father when the guilt of our sin is reckoned to him.
--Kim Riddlebarger
Blog Archive
- Believer in Jesus, can you gaze upon him without t...
- It was much better to have an inquest and then pre...
- While Jesus was fervently praying and while his di...
- Dinah Eliana Gabrielle SmithBorn March 28, 2009 10...
- Facility Progress
- Our once and future kitchen
- Using 1000sq foot addition as temp office
- Roofing Going On
- so much for privacy! this is view from hallway
- Bach's "St. Matthew's Passion" begins like this..
- During thelastmeal, Jesus completely transformed t...
- Where are we in Gospel of Mark? Last week....It w...
- Hair Envy?
- “Was he flogged? It was done so that “by his wound...
- “Doing what Jesus did is different from bearing th...
- Jesus Paid it All
- same view, from current driveway
- this is not seeming so crazy anymore
- view from front door entry
- 1000 sq foot addition to church office
- William Edgar teaches at Westminster Seminary in P...
- Finding Rest in Financial Chaos
- 3 textual nuggets from Kim Riddlebarger
- Where We are in Mark's Gospel
- Mark 14, Verses 51-52 have long been regarded as a...
- Kim Riddlebarger points out that in Mark 14:27-52 ...
- Women's "egg stuffing" event
- New Youth Room is Going UP!
- Last Week of Christ's Life
- And during times of extraordinarytrials or uncerta...
- And the gospel must first be proclaimed to all nat...
- The Return of Jesus Christ
- This comes from Volf’s Exclusion and Embrace: My...
- Schaeffer's "Tape Recorder" Thought Experiment
- What is abomination that causes desolation?
- BackGround on the temple
- sacraments...baptism
- Move Your Clocks
- Quotes from Conference
- The church is a place for people who are needy, af...
- Not the God of the Dead but the Living
- Humor Me
- The theme of a Davidic king arriving to deliver Is...
- He Knows You
- Magnificent
- Men's Roadtrip