Friday, October 29, 2010


Authority of scripture: stott, john

'God-breathed' is not the only account which Scripture gives of itself, since God's mouth was not the only mouth involved in its production. The same Scripture which says 'the mouth of the LORD has spoken' (Is. 1:20) also says that God spoke 'by the mouth of his holy prophets' (Acts 3:18, 21). Out of whose mouth did Scripture come, then? God's or man's? The only biblical answer is 'both'. Indeed, God spoke through the human authors in such a way that his words were simultaneously their words, and their words were simultaneously his. This is the double authorship of the Bible. Scripture is equally the Word of God and the words of human beings. Better, it is the Word of God through the words of human beings.

--From "The Contemporary Christian"

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